Comments on: Finnish Knitting Stories – Episode 58: New vest & chat Exploring The Unknown Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:36:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: N Sartain Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:36:25 +0000 ]]> Bless you. We all need to hear and think about the tragedy that is happening in Ukraine. ❤

By: Antonias Garnkaos Mon, 27 Mar 2023 10:56:12 +0000 Hi, I just wanna say that I love that you talk about the war. I found your channel a year ago when you talked about supporting Ukrainian designers and we try to do what we can from Sweden, we sent packages to the front with warm clothes and I contribute a small amount monthly to help organizations, but we all just wish this war could end. I read a great book by Oksana Zabuzjko that I felt explained this madness. It kind of helps me to understand what is happening so that's a tip. In the Swedish translation it's called the longest of travels.

By: Magelina Uke Sat, 25 Mar 2023 18:48:33 +0000 I always enjoy your podcasts. But I want to thank you for speaking out against the war in Ukraine and against what Putin is doing in Ukraine and to the Ukrainian people. It is so wrong. We must not forget what is going on there, nor underestimate how devastating Putin's actions have been on these innocent people.. We must continue to support the freedom of independent countries like Ukraine, and not let tyrant countries run rampant. If Putin takes Ukraine, what country will he go after next?

By: Nancy's Along Stony Creek Knitting Podcast Thu, 23 Mar 2023 13:15:10 +0000 Tassels?! I've not finished mine, because it needed something. It needs amazing tassels! Thank you.

By: ClaudiaBiEnne Sat, 18 Mar 2023 20:37:05 +0000 <br><br>Claudia]]> Hi there,
I landed on your channel while I was looking for info about Finnish yarn as I will shortly be travelling to Helsinki and always bring with me a yarn souvenir from my trips.
I found your words about war very touching, have been volunteering as well last year in France where I live.
I’ve subscribed to your channel, will come back with pleasure. Hugs 🤗


By: Corrien Dünar Wed, 15 Mar 2023 07:41:50 +0000 🧡]]> You've touched my heart Yanna. The war in Ukraine must not be forgotten. I am also knitting socks for Ukraine.
Take care you wonderful soul, greetings from The Netherlands 🧶🧡

By: Tina Spencer Tue, 14 Mar 2023 21:01:32 +0000 A corner to corner blanket results in a really snuggly, textured stitch. I highly recommend using it for your next blanket.

By: Tina Spencer Tue, 14 Mar 2023 20:49:36 +0000 ]]> Jana, the No. 2 vest is perfect with your dress. I love the cropped look, it’s very flattering. Oh, and the color is beautiful. 😊

By: Grethe Oksholen Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:48:34 +0000 ]]> I don' t have words 😢

By: Lynn Niemi Sun, 05 Mar 2023 18:41:36 +0000 Instead of bashing we should encourage – great words to live by, Jana! You are an amazing woman and such an inspiration! I am so glad that you can tell it like it is, and remain positive and caring. I always feel better after watching your videos
