Strange Weather

Fairies: Strange Encounters and The Missing 411 Connection?

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► A fairy, or rather the fae are said to be to a type of mythical creature known throughout European Folklore. Historically, these beings haven’t been referred to as completely physical, but rather tend to be described as more spirit like. During more recent times, fairies are commonly depicted as friendly, helpful and loving creatures, but for the remainder of this video, you’re going to have to get this visualisation out of your mind. As far as I can gather there is no singular, specific origin of the fae, but rather there are a collection of beliefs and reported incidents that have occurred throughout Europe and other continents around the world too, which I suppose could be considered fairly strange. There are also similarities between the traditional European folklore and folklore from other places around the world such as the Southern Americas, which we’ll come to later.

Before we go any further and start delving into this, I want to make it abundantly clear that nothing in this video relates to my own personal views. This purpose of this video is not to mock anyone, nor will it be in support of any point of view, but rather I’m going to try to come at this from a completely neutral perspective and this is something I want you to bear in mind throughout. I don’t have a stake in the topic.

Fairies: Strange Encounters and The Missing 411 Connection?
Missing 411 Fairies

Music by CO.AG:

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Top Mysteries June 24, 2020 at 6:05 pm

Hey everyone, something a bit different today that has been requested a lot. Do share your thoughts and keep on keeping on, be safe

Assassinate PsychoPutin March 7, 2022 at 7:04 am

Yes, we all know what the birds & bees do, the birds crap all over our cars & the bees make honey 😉

Pendle Lancashire March 7, 2022 at 3:11 pm

Fairies are nasty, manipulative and exploitative. Never summon them. Pure scum they are .

Dark Hoody March 8, 2022 at 5:09 pm

Guts would of kick they're asses

TheSquatcher Payne March 11, 2022 at 5:50 pm

You never say thank you as to say thank you is to acknowledge you have been in receipt of something they have given you creating an agreement with the Fae. I.e you ‘owe’ them one. To say sorry is to admit you have done something that you shouldn’t have, that you have hurt or offended knowingly and have done something to be ‘sorry’ for. to do this would mean you open yourself up to punishment for the ‘act’. As you say, they twist words. Never trust the Fae. They are not human and their motivations should never be presented as such. They don’t think like us or have the same morality as us. Never mistake them for such.

morgan benedict March 12, 2022 at 11:13 pm

Calling them fae, is actually really offensive to them, their called the Sidhe, pronounced SH-EE. The sidhe are also unique to Celtic mythology and religion. There are similar things but they aren’t the same. Banshee, brownies, werewolves, hags, mermaids are all considered sidhe. Never expect their gifts, or give them gifts as it creates a contract with them, they are not human and have never been human, they do not have human emotions, so be very careful of them.

natural born sinner March 15, 2022 at 7:26 am

Anyone ever been gangstalked by the fae?

Blub March 21, 2022 at 3:00 am

I wonder why youtube doesn’t like people talking about aliens and alien abductions. Kind of sus huh Youtube?

ToothedACorn 472 March 24, 2022 at 9:40 am

Johan Doe

iole96792 March 24, 2022 at 5:26 pm

I've listened to this several times, great job with the research. It's really interesting and compelling, however, I do not get the connection between "castle in the sky" and "the birds and the bees". When I hear that she was taken to a 'castle in the sky' it makes me think of abduction testimonies where some people have said they were taken to a city or similar. I don't get the sex connection…. 🤔

Ron Reagan March 25, 2022 at 5:51 pm

There's a ton of Fairies in Ithaca NY.

RAUL TORO March 25, 2022 at 10:13 pm

Thanks – neal a

jennifer hahn frix March 28, 2022 at 5:15 am

I am a fae child

Liz C April 3, 2022 at 9:32 am

I started typing about my military ex's experience with djinn when you started talking about the Jordanian military… His story scared me fucking shitless, man. He was so fucking level headed. It was terrifying.

Frank Boff April 8, 2022 at 7:07 am

The lost man in the forest offended the forest spirits because he wore socks with sandals. They forgave him only after he dispensed with both.

Mae McCleary April 10, 2022 at 10:59 pm

Could it be possible the girl was pregnant? Causing her to feel ill, praying won't help ect. Then goes away for awhile "with the fairies" to have the baby, and then comes back?

Messenger Of Elohiym April 11, 2022 at 7:35 am

Check out the Tuac Da Danann, they were the original natives of Ireland who surrendered it to the Milesians and went into the forests to become hidden fairie peoples

Marcus Mcbean April 14, 2022 at 3:37 am

The sons of man went into the daughters of the earth! Still going on today! Nephlin

Rob Yunger April 16, 2022 at 7:15 am

Check out Project Doorway.

Eva Lundborg April 17, 2022 at 4:41 pm

The little people are real. I was working on a old farm i the middle of Sweden 2004. I'm a Gardner and the farm where newly bought and was going to be a place fore conference. There where several buildings the oldest where build 1650s. I was building a new herbal and berry garden. I was on my knees and planting herbs, when I felt someone was looking at me. So i turned my head and looked at the old house. Peeking out behind the corner what's this little man and when he noticed that I've seen him. He quickly backed behind the corner. I quickly rose and run the few steps to the corner. But he was gone. I remember old tales from the old people telling me stories when I was growing up. According to them in those old houses there's always a "hustomte" that is taking care of The farm and the animals. And he must be very curious about the new people and what we are doing. So I told them I told them about the plans and that I hope we could live in peace and help one another. I have never since felt I was speaking for a bigger audience than then.

LoneShadoWolf April 18, 2022 at 6:25 pm

never no what indies think and ontop always have to be careful and respectful otherwise u lose your head, or worse get cursed ether by them or the land if u dont understand the sprit realm

Lois Elsensohn April 19, 2022 at 1:43 am

People may think why are you hiking alone? Even groups of people or family members hiking together have lost one member of the party! Why is that happening. The person is there one minute and next vanished.

AXX Is April 19, 2022 at 8:01 pm

They're real

SeedPlanter April 20, 2022 at 10:05 am

did someone say missing 911?

maddy shea April 21, 2022 at 4:47 pm

If there is anyone you NEED to listen to… IT'S THE LOCALS.

Rachael Stanley April 23, 2022 at 8:28 pm

So many people say they love the sea but I'm drawn to woodland although as I've got older, I don't go on my own like I did as a foolish girl. On a mountain walk with family, when I was about 18, I went ahead and saw smoke coming from the ground (my logical streak says it could've been an exploding mushroom) which reminded me of the scene in Peter Pan when the pirates discover the underground home.
Further down the path in the distance, I could see an old manor-type house of stone and felt drawn to go there but at that point, my sister caught up with me and said I was to turn back and join the others. I really, really wanted to follow that path but did as I was told!
That was before the time of the internet and Google maps. I have since looked at that area on Google, tried various paths in the same spot but never found the old stone house. It looked the type of house that would be listed and protected, so should theoretically still be standing.

starlight workshop oz April 26, 2022 at 10:27 am

My place has "the fae" stuff gets mysteriously moved and stored in cupboards. The fridge keeps getting filled up too. Freaks me right out

V. Britton May 1, 2022 at 10:15 am


Lewis Macaskill May 4, 2022 at 2:52 pm

Do your research buddy.your wrong both fairies and jinn have an origin story .to make it short jinn were born from smokeless fire and fairies fell from heaven with lucifer but having been manipulated by him they were permitted to inhabit earth

Tiffany Gagnier May 4, 2022 at 6:25 pm

What does castles in the sky mean

Adversary 0 May 9, 2022 at 7:42 am

the fae almost sound like lawyers lol

The Emo Parakeet May 11, 2022 at 3:25 pm

666k views? that's pretty cool lol

c tb May 17, 2022 at 2:55 pm

"take these miserable rocks and put them back" .. take them back yourself i would say,sir

Wayne Gates May 18, 2022 at 1:09 pm

I would love too hear much more about this subject as I found it interesting n fascinating thanks Dude 😊 👍 😀 🙏

SandFro May 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm

Can ANYONE explain what the castle in the sky is referring to?? Like heaven? Or something else?? (I’m not religious so not very knowledgeable of any religious stories)

Джастін Міллер May 27, 2022 at 11:55 am

His castle in the sky comment, how YouTube doesn't like it being posted. What does he mean? Aliens? I gathered she was abducted by aliens and during that time period they were perceived as the fey folk. Though I didn't think aliens were a sensitive topic. So now I'm curious on what he actually meant lol.

C Murphy May 28, 2022 at 5:23 pm

Don't say thank you because it puts you in their debt by acknowledging a favor. Pardon me implies you have committed a trespass, leaving you in debt to them as well. I thought this was pretty well known, but I have been a fan of the "fairies" since I was very young.

Jordana Landry June 1, 2022 at 8:00 pm

For anyone wondering, Jinn are VERY much real, and for some time I have believed them to be very much responsible and involved in these missing persons cases that are highly unusual. It seems other people have also made the connection. It’s all very textbook jinn behavior. But people tend to think it’s all a bunch of bullshit but I assure y’all, it is not. They are mostly invisible but can and do take the shape of any animal or even familiar people at will. A gun and a GPS won’t protect against them but rather you must be ever vigilant of their presence and never be alone never let your guard down, they lure ppl they fuck with your thinking and they make people take their shoes off (although I’m not certain why) and do other strange things in opposition to their better judgement or plans.

Morgan Tully June 4, 2022 at 9:24 pm

Fairies are a lot like the Nox from SG1

Maritza Mcgill June 6, 2022 at 10:44 pm

So anyone else notice paranormal type shows tend show someone coming out of body of water ? Sometimes even like is upside down to us ??? Very common theme of water as “portal”. Makes me wonder about Bible saying “separated the waters from the waters” on making the earth

Bambi Keswick June 11, 2022 at 4:53 am

I'm from yorkshire now living in sydney but when I was 16 and living in uk my mother remarried an Irish man.he totally believed in the lepracharn.u must always say good morning to them b4 u Cross a bridge.😇

ispeeklife June 11, 2022 at 10:11 pm

Jins are found in the Bible also

Marcella June 12, 2022 at 8:35 am

Fae, are various and many both good and bad, they are elementals, and not to mess with, and should be treated with respect.

smileygabe22 June 16, 2022 at 11:13 pm

My girlfriend use to live in Sinaloa, a remote area that is very forested. There was a lot of unique experiences in the forest along with cryptics. She mentioned stories of small people. Scary and fascinating

Alex P June 17, 2022 at 9:43 am

Where I live, there is old folk tales referring to a phenomenon called the "Swaailen". It happens when it's warm and the skies are blue and clear. A mist rolls in from the sea from nowhere, according to the stories this causes the disappearances of people and livestock, amongst other things. This is when they say they enter another world,which is inhabited by Elves and what they call "Puck". There is as the tales say,a way of not been taken, it involves stones. Thought it would be of some interest to people.

Mxchelle Unbreakable June 17, 2022 at 9:23 pm

where we live theres little people that i was told speak our old native language an we not supposed to taunt them or challenge or chase them because they can bring death or sickness we live with them and theres mutual respect. i lived on the wind river reservation in the wyoming rocky mountains. i walked hours endlessly in these hills alone but i was taught to carry a small stick and to spit on it 4 times and carry it in right hand til we get where were going. it was used for protection. i believe this stick protected me many times i was alone. theres also a unsolved mystery of a little mummy found in the rocky mountains somebody took it disrespectfully and nothing good came out of it google it. your supposed to respect these things.

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