Strange Weather



00:00 Taipei, Taiwan , june 9
00:56 italy , roma floods , june 9
01:55 Traralgon, Australia floods , june 11
02:23 Floods and hail in Borja, Zaragoza ,Spain , june 11
03:14 India ,Destruction from Storms In Sirsa, Haryana , june 11
04:43 Norhth oman , Ibri thunderstorm , june 12
05:25 kuwait , sandstorm , june 12
07:50 sandstorm , Churu of Rajasthan , june 12

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Юлиян Николов June 12, 2021 at 7:15 pm


batt earfoxx June 12, 2021 at 9:04 pm

Ya know, hail could theoretically be used to kill off poppy opium plantations with which the world pharmaceutical industry derives nearly 80%of all it's analgesia pain management treatment medication from, oohhh ahh, that's right, it must Scientology rain, wanting to destroy any and all analgesia medication world wide, to keep people in pain, you know that satisfied feeling you get after beating illness or injury no matter how big or small AFTER the fact, well that's how they and other blood drinking flesh eating human monster elite and privelledged feel after they get a good hit of an individual's suffering, and pain, you know what remote viewing is and that it is a real ability, why then would a groups or persons, ability like that be limited to just an image, what about reiki, smudging and other chakra healing centres of the body WHY would it stop at just healing, could it be used for health hindering, maybe

batt earfoxx June 12, 2021 at 9:16 pm

at least the sand or miniture sand coloured hail ,would improve the grip for cars driving, in it,,,🦎🚓🚓🎶🌀🎆🌪️🌊🇭🇲🦎

AJ Deadshow June 12, 2021 at 9:36 pm

My biggest fear about global warming is that by the time most people want to do something about it, it will already be too late.

Soulfood For Thought June 20, 2021 at 1:46 am

9 months after September…its the "Birth Pains".

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