Strange Weather

Extreme weather around the world, from 2-4 sept, 2021

Extreme weather around the world, from 2-4 sept, 2021


-Paraguay, Concepcion region, sept 4
-Highlands, rench area, colorado, sept 4
– Waterspout tornado Cobuleti, georgia, sept4
-Strange object in the sky sochi, russia, august 4
-Lots of jellyfish on shchelkino beaches, russia sept 3
-Strong winds, Sochi, russia, sept2
-Floods, Bahla city, oman, sept2
-Thunderstorm in Crimea, sept2
-Oyster Shell Hole Punch Cloud
-Last night was another night of vivid, vibrant aurora in central Alaska. The skies erupted at midnight and bathed the landscape in color all the way through sunrise, showing off in many ways I hadn’t seen before

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2020,landslides 2020,hurricane

Music:Fly Me Anywhere, Musician:Alek Bluntz, Album:Alek Bluntz, Source:


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Jack Rasbeary September 5, 2021 at 5:42 pm

Strange things are happening to the sun – pay attention. Man is not impacting climate, the Sun is.

Abc September 5, 2021 at 5:42 pm

Subhan Allah

Наталия Сулима September 6, 2021 at 5:04 am

The cataclysms that are now taking place in the world are cyclical in nature. And strength, power, constancy will only increase. Many people think that these are lonely and temporary cases, but they are not. People need to understand that unification will help them survive. More detailed information can be obtained by watching the conference: Global Crisis. This already applies to everyone.

Niki September 6, 2021 at 4:05 pm

6:41 looks like an 👁 in the clouds😉

Weather Shock l September 10, 2021 at 12:49 am

Global warming is the main cause of the doubling of natural disasters, but other factors intervene: poorly thought-out urbanization, deforestation or construction in risk areas. For that we must save the planet before it is too late !!

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