Strange Weather

Extreme weather and climate change: Lingohack

Europe has been baking in a record breaking heatwave recently. Experts are pointing to the link between such extreme weather and climate change. BBC Science Correspondent Victoria Gill reports.

The story…

Extreme weather: Is it caused by
climate change?

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Need-to-know language

scorching – very hot
heatwaves – periods of time where it’s hotter than normal
heating up – becoming hotter
drought-resistant – able to survive in long periods of dry weather
baking – being heated to a high temperature

Answer this…
By what amount does the Paris Climate Agreement aim to limit the rise in global temperature?

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BBC Learning English July 31, 2019 at 2:17 pm

This isn't the first time Lingohack's story has been about climate change! Check out these other great climate change programmes:
Using cow waste to fight climate change:
Turning plastic into sportswear:
Clothing and the environment:

Nawar Nawar July 31, 2019 at 3:07 pm

It is 37 C without mentioning the real feeling of this high temperature, which is much higher.
What it looks strange is that eastern-Europe countries are not affected by heat wave besides eastern-Mediterranean sea countries, and this heat wave was heading north toward Scandinavian countries.
Maybe, there is a plan to warm the northern pole to open a new trade road instead of the classical sea roads we know.

Mamy Mimma July 31, 2019 at 3:12 pm

By the way, I'd like to know if the English language has a way to express what Italians call "soffrire il caldo"- I guess "suffering from the heat" hasn't got the same meaning

Khan Khan July 31, 2019 at 3:34 pm

Even during night hours the air is hot like furnace here in Kuwait

prabaharan e July 31, 2019 at 4:54 pm


Paolo Saracino July 31, 2019 at 5:49 pm

We’ve got to start getting used to extreme climate events. The climate is changing and we might be a cause, but I’m sure that that’s not the only one.
However, it’s really interesting trying to understand how an extreme heatwave can reach northwestern Europe. That occurs when a deep low pressure is located over Atlantic. As it spins in anti-clockwise, warm air is pushed from North Africa to Europe, reaching France, Germany , up to England too, as we saw last week.
Lots of greetings from Puglia ( Italy) 👋🏻. By the way, we’re ready to cope with a new African heatwave 😅. It’ll peak on Friday when 40 degrees are forecasted 🥵. Damn!

Ahmed Farraj July 31, 2019 at 6:38 pm

Such a nice episode
Although it's about 40 degrees here I love this weather and I have a lot of memories about this weather,also I'm fond of this weather because I eat a large amount of ice-cream.However, heat waves which is dominating nowadays on Europe are actually a result of climate change,besides it has negative effects on people and plants at the same time.Anyway,I'd like to tell my European friends that fall will come soon,so you will feel refreshing and this weather will be forgotten till next summer.

Grant Sundbye - Business English Coaching July 31, 2019 at 7:33 pm

Awesome lesson as always. This is one of the best English learning channels on Youtube. Keep up the great work! 😎👍😎👍😎👍😎👍

GEORGELET4 July 31, 2019 at 7:54 pm

Hottest Temperatures

In U.S., the first half of the twentieth century was hotter than anything lately. Also there was more Arctic ice melt then.

Nature Luc July 31, 2019 at 9:18 pm

breakthroughs in this area are gonna be needed soon.

Teacher Lea August 1, 2019 at 12:03 am

I love this channel. This gives me a lot of ideas about english. Im fact I am inspired so I make my own channel and do some videos about it. 😀

Jakkrapat Khiawdee August 1, 2019 at 4:43 am

It's unseasonably hot in here.
The weather is unpredictable these days.
I have to adapt to extreme weather conditions.
Global warming is a big issue.
It's too late, but we can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions; vehicle engine emissions, farming emissions and factory emissions.
These emissions can be converted to usable energy.
Cow emission can provide energy to run a car for 24 hours.
Rising sea levels and melting polar ice caps are also major concerns.

shaima ahmed August 1, 2019 at 8:47 am


Chatthita T. August 3, 2019 at 4:12 am

Love this channel especially Lingohack because it's come with subtitle , vocabulary and real news.
Thank you for made this video!

Robert Redfern August 4, 2019 at 4:50 pm

Putting aside what anyone claims, 3 trillion trees have been cut down to farm animal products and their feedstuff. Cambridge University just released figures to show 1 trillion trees will convert CO2 to oxygen and save humans (the planet will save itself as it did many times in the same circumstances in history.
I contend that the 3 trillion trees will safeguard all humankind and provide jobs for the third world.

tgchan August 5, 2019 at 11:59 am

Thank you, BBC. 💚

THE BEAUTY OF ADVENTURE August 5, 2019 at 6:44 pm

Who name women red dress?

Jakkrapat Khiawdee August 31, 2019 at 7:59 am

The weather is unpredicatable these days because of the climate change. It's too late to stop climate chang particularly the global warming which leads to rising sea levels and melting polar icecaps.
Eating meat can also kill our planet because we need more land to keep animals on. As we need more land so we have to cut down trees – that's deforestation – cutting down forests – harmful emissions from the wood and soil.
We love meat as you can see there are a boom in burger restaurants in mega-cities.
People in drought areas can't grow crops. They rely on livestock for a living.
Well, at the moment all we need to do is to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions or make them less harmful.
For example, we might convert cow emissions and turn it into usable energy which can provide energy to run a car for 24 hours.
Desalination – removing salt from the sea and converting them into drinking water.
Homegrown-technology – harvesting water from their rooftops.
Floating cities – but it's not cost-efficient.
The rich have to pledge to deliver money to fight climate change.
Thank you!

Bích Ngọc Nguyễn September 21, 2019 at 5:18 am

Thank you so much

mel_any December 3, 2019 at 11:57 pm

Who else is watching this because they had to do it for a project/homework? 😂

Sam Lair January 18, 2020 at 6:13 pm

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal describes a four fold increase in weather related disasters since 1980. Droughts and storms are increasing in frequency, intensity and duration.
‘weather related disasters increasing’

Eye.Of.The.Tiger April 15, 2020 at 9:51 am

1:32 you know, I've listened to her 4 times and didn't get what she said

Allysandra Ilagan January 2, 2021 at 12:41 pm

Hi guys! Go check out Ecosia. It is a search engine that plants a tree for every 45 searches u make. These trees are planted in places that are extremely vulnerable to climate change. If you think this is fake, u can always check out their YouTube channel. Stay safe guys 🙂 bai bai

Hanisit Sobarna February 13, 2021 at 5:02 am

📱 🔌

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