Disk During Day Entering Underground Alien Base! Cypress, Canada Oct 24, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

 Date of sighting: October 24, 2021

Location of sighting: Cypress, Alberta, Canada

Source: MUFON 

Wow! This video is blowing me away! The eyewitness in Cypress caught sight of a thick glowing disk in the distance and the UFO was seen in action…moving. It was not just moving…it was coming down to enter a tunnel to an underground alien base. Its a very secluded area with a very low population around. Perfect for an entrance to an underground base. However if you went over and walked over that area, it would be very difficult to discern the exact location. If I were there…I promise you, I would be able to find its exact location. It will be circular or oval, about 30-60 meter across and there will be bent and broken grass or if its dirt there will be large cracks in a circle pattern. Amazing capture of an alien craft entering a alien base in Canada! 100% proof that aliens are already here!

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Bright Flickering Object Hovering and Lowering Slowly to the Ground. I captured this video and a picture of “something” on Sunday morning at 11:18am and have NO IDEA what it is.
It is WAY too big to be a helicopter and that is facing Southeast so it isn’t the moon setting plus it is too late in the morning and it is a clear blue sky.
This is nothing we have ever seen before here! Watch how it just slowly goes down and isn’t perfectly round either as it shimmers and flickers. it is actually quite a distance from us, over 2 miles or so. The gravel pit is over a mile away so that will help you to determine the size it really is.
I posted this on Facebook and Instagram and had a friend of mine tell me that her son saw that in a rural park while moving their cattle home about 20 miles to the south east of where we are at the same time.

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