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Digimon: Complete Series Retrospective | Billiam

Digimon has had many iterations over the years; in this video, I basically take a year to talk about every anime with the “Digimon” title!

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Chapter Selection
1. Digimon Adventure [00:00:56]
2. Digimon Adventure Film [00:32:41]
3. Digimon Adventure: Our war game [00:34:32]
4. Digimon Adventure 02 [00:37:21]
5. Digimon Adventure 02 OVA [00:55:19]
6. Digimon The Movie [00:58:54]
7. Digimon Tamers [01:02:17]
8. Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers [01:19:31]
9. Digimon Tamers: Runaway Locomon [01:23:54]
10. Digimon Frontier [01:27:36]
11. Digimon Frontier: Island of Lost Digimon [01:39:17]
12. Digital Monsters X Evolution [01:42:10]
13. Digimon Data Squad (Savers) [01:47:34]
14. Digimon Savers The Movie: Activate Burst Mode! [01:59:20]
15. Digimon Fusion (Xros Wars) [02:03:42]
16. Digimon Xros Wars: The Boy Hunters Who Leapt Through Time [02:17:18]
17. Digimon Adventure Tri [02:19:47]

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Billiam August 5, 2019 at 4:27 pm

Chapter Selection
1. Digimon Adventure [00:00:56]
2. Digimon Adventure Film [00:32:41]
3. Digimon Adventure: Our war game [00:34:32]
4. Digimon Adventure 02 [00:37:21]
5. Digimon Adventure 02 OVA [00:55:19]
6. Digimon The Movie [00:58:54]
7. Digimon Tamers [01:02:17]
8. Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers [01:19:31]
9. Digimon Tamers: Runaway Locomon [01:23:54]
10. Digimon Frontier [01:27:36]
11. Digimon Frontier: Island of Lost Digimon [01:39:17]
12. Digital Monsters X Evolution [01:42:10]
13. Digimon Data Squad (Savers) [01:47:34]
14. Digimon Savers The Movie: Activate Burst Mode! [01:59:20]
15. Digimon Fusion (Xros Wars) [02:03:42]
16. Digimon Xros Wars: The Boy Hunters Who Leapt Through Time [02:17:18]
17. Digimon Adventure Tri [02:19:47]

Ace Undead August 20, 2022 at 5:25 pm

I will never see Zudomon the same way again. Thank you for that.

Nub Worthy Cigars August 21, 2022 at 8:40 am

Great stuff!.. it was amazing to revisit this nostalgia filled memory hole. In the context of the time everyone I knew in Las Vegas at the time (like 5th-6th grade?) was into Pokémon anime. I was swept up in the cards for sure, and games of course, but that poke-me was never my style.. respect to anyone who liked or likes this show, of course, just not to my taste.. so I spent time between class arguing for the greatness of this show against a sea of poke-fans.. great times and many thanks!

One thing I wish was included as just a way to help me remember the names beyond “war greymon” lol, but you can catch the names in the transformations… I get tho that for the uninitiated the naming conventions through the transformations seemingly take turns that don’t make sense, so overall I agree w the creative choice here.

.. make a cap stone of a short where you blast through the transformations and names! Lol


RGGames Official August 22, 2022 at 12:31 am

When I was a kid in the 2000's i watched the first Digimon aventure ok YouTube and was sad because I want able to watch it in tv, so when Digimon Frontiers was released I was overhyped. I Even counted the days until the premier while calling that day "Digimon day"

MR. X August 22, 2022 at 11:53 pm

I liked playing with the Fronteer Digivice more than I liked the actual show… it's bad. Tamers was odd enough and destroyed the concept but this one just put the final nail in the coffin..

MR. X August 23, 2022 at 12:21 am

The name "Marcus", or the European/Portuguese variant "Marcos" means "intelligent and Bright". This guy is neither. The fact a character like this has the same name I do is offensive to me. But sriously, this show was okay but left me scratching my head.

MR. X August 23, 2022 at 12:46 am

Fusion felt like they took Power Rangers Zords and Megazord and mashed it up with Pokémon… gross.

DragonDave LTD August 24, 2022 at 12:10 am

It's a shame all Digimon movies did not get its own official DVD and Blu-Ray Disc collection with original versions (instead of the god-awful butchered edited version from Fox Kids) from either Anime Limited or Crunchyroll Entertainment releases distributors in the United Kingdom and I think they should deserve its official release, don't we think?

CGCGCG91 August 24, 2022 at 10:04 am

You better watch your goddamn mouth when it comes to the digirap

Jack Taylor August 24, 2022 at 1:26 pm

Wait isn't that windigoonmon? (Shout out to @windagoon! Yall should do a collaboration

Dirt August 27, 2022 at 7:36 am

I know this video is over 3 years old but I am just now watching it for the first time. The insane amounts of nostalgia I have for digimon is insane. This is special because the only media from digimon I ever consumed were the 1st vhs of 02 and the movie along with Digimon 4 for the gamecube. Despite only having such a limited quantity of content to consume digimon at one point was more apart of my life than pokemon. I watched the movie at least 40 or 50 times with my brother when we were kids. The opening short was terrifying and so suspensful, the big fights to kill the spider things were so hype, and the last story was so weird and interesting. We had no idea who any of the characters were or any of the backstories, but solely from charm and direction we understood every emotion.
It helped that the movies looked and still look amazing to this day, Another testiment to how timeless good animation can be.The late 90s early 2000s anime aesthetic along with the increasde budget for the shorts and movie.
A lot of crazy shit has happened and I don't get to see my brother too often anymore. I needed to find this video and just reflect on stuff. Not gonna get too personal but my parents were divorced, I was on the internet a lot as a kid, and I loved cute monsters like any other kid did. Digimon never meant everything to me, but it remains such a strong piece of my childhood. Everything about the english dub is so early 2000s.
A time before Bush and corporate greed plunged the economy and a world before social media took over. I am not some boomer who is gonna say social media is evil, because i have critical thinking skills, but what i mean is that the world felt huge, almost infinite as a kid. I had to grow up way earlier than I would've wanted to, the movie and the series in general is a reminder to more innocent times. Videos like this just make me smile so much, its so nice to just sit down and enjoy a funnt dude reminise about something we both loved as kids.

thx Billiam

Ghost of Aces August 28, 2022 at 5:26 am

That first digimon movie in 1999 scared me as a child because the dark colors and the deep voice on Greymon. i was like 4 when i first saw it. But also when Greymon was down and out and Kari kept blowing the whistle to wake him up, and seeing his Giant dinosaur eye fly open…. Legit coolest sh*t ever.
Also Blackwargreymon is the best. learning what he is, and more importantly WHO he is.

Canned Emma August 30, 2022 at 5:34 am

I legit put this on almost every night to sleep – this or the LOST videos!

maybememory1 August 30, 2022 at 10:57 pm

I love Pokemon’s games, but Digimon was the best show. They feel very different

Kyubbiman September 1, 2022 at 4:14 pm

I'd like to point out that Andromon is an ultimate level digimon. By terms of power he could have taken Devimon down on his own.

Posh September 4, 2022 at 1:17 pm

The more I watch billiam the more I get the feeling that he’s secretly bill burrs illegitimate son

D P September 4, 2022 at 3:45 pm

Dude have you like… Watch to the end? I mean frontier and savers are very important because of what happens in the end…

a stupid meme channel September 5, 2022 at 2:53 am

4:09 memories

Detective Emma September 8, 2022 at 10:01 am

Very American of you to not only assume that most of your audience are English speakers and that they grew up with the English dub

I'm Egyptian, I grew up with the Arabic dub which didn't have the problems you have talked about and some of the things you mentioned made no sense to me cause I only watched the original Japanese and that Arabic dub soooooooo

It's about Flexing your Digimon knowledge it's about me not being confused which you just did by choosing to use the dub names 🙂

Ivan Cardenas September 8, 2022 at 2:42 pm

Oh guys… I feel so sorry for the version of the Digimon adventure opening you got, in Latin America the original song was translated, and it was so beautiful it's still regarded as one of the most nostalgic and preety openings ever.

Autumn Aran September 8, 2022 at 5:51 pm

i loved everything except the tri section yikes, good video nonetheless

Thomas takes a toll for the dark September 9, 2022 at 10:21 am

I love Digifusion. Is it pure nostalgia from a person who was introduced to grand cosmologies and magical world building via this show, which carried on into everything he's liked since? Yes. Is it because the characters felt relatable yet still like good roll models in a way? Yes. And is it because Beelzamon and Mervamon both awakened something in me? Oh sweet Deomon yes. But looking back, it's a simple show and that's all it really needs to be, and as a person who's only watched like… 2 digimon shows, the reoccurring plots weren't an issue, and at least the Dutch dub was good

TheSeductiveGiraffe September 10, 2022 at 9:28 am

Allthough not a megafan, i always prefered Digimon over Pokemon

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