Diamond UFO was seen this week over Mesa, Arizona, Feb 14, 2024, UFO Sighting News.



A dark diamond UFO was seen this week over Mesa, Arizona and its similar in shape to many seen over the years. UFOs are seen in areas where the population is more dense, like Mesa which has a population of 3,600. And compounded with the fact that a person passing by the eyewitness told him that aliens were coming soon. That really takes the cake. Thats an alien living there among them, not just telling him, but mentally re-programing him to look for a UFO and to record it for the public to see. Yes, aliens can do that to our simple minds. 

Scott C. Waring

News states: 

MESA, Ariz. — A viewer might have glimpsed something out of this world over Mesa last weekend. His photos were abducting our attention on Facebook so we just had to give it a stellar shout-out.
Now we’re not going to say 12News Weather Watcher Chad Chad photographed a UFO… Because he probably didn’t. But some speculation in the comments section orbited around that possibility!


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