Crew chosen For SpaceX’s first private Starship mission to the moon, UFO Sighting News.


Crew chosen For SpaceX’s first private Starship mission to the moon, 10 total crew members, including two backup crew, will join him on the roughly week-long flight that was originally scheduled to launch in 2023. That timeline will likely push to 2024. 

Guys this is cool. A Japanese billionaire has funded the entire civilian program. This is mind-bogglings stuff. I mean most NASA missions have hard core military, CIA, NSA. I can see by the faces of these individuals picked by SpaceX that they are none of the above, they are us, the people. I can’t wait to hear and see what they encounter on the mission. Photos and video is going to be raw and unedited. Don’t think for a second this doesn’t share the shit out of NASA. The truth coming out, and making NASA look like a fool for lying, always does make the lier look the fool. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

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