City In Moon Crater Recorded By Artemis 1 Mission Cubesat, Feb 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News.



Date of discovery: Feb 20, 2023, but taken in 2022

Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source: Twitter

Check out this latest tweet from the Artemis 1 moon mission when it was tweeted. A cubsat took an awesome photo of the moon and in it was more than they expected and more then they realized. I looked over the photo carefully enlarging it by 3X and found several amazing structures in a crater. The three structures all have signs of intelligent design. They are glowing, and yet they are on the bottom of the crater 2 miles deep or more. That means they have their own light source. They are making the light. The largest structure is a three armed structure and on each arm are about 6-8 round glowing spheres. This is 100% proof that aliens built structures on the moon and it comes from Artemis 1 mission cubsat!

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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