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WANT TO COME CAMPING WITH US? Here is all the information about the 3rd Annual Lippert Getaway in Idaho this year:

This exciting event will be held at RedRock RV Park, an Open Road Resorts family property, situated in Island Park, ID, this September. Learn more ➡️

Fully registering for the Getaway is a two step process for those wanting to stay onsite..

— Reserve spot at Red Rock RV Park using this form:

— Buy tickets:

Once you get in, be sure to download the Lippert Communities App or sign up at this link: as there is a button just for this event so you can see all the updates and can sign up for special events included in the price of the event like ATVing, kayaking and a bus tour trip into Yellowstone National Park! Ask to be on the FOS bus!



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Instant Pot:

GoPro Volta Tripod:

Rode mic:

Lippert Ground Control 3.0 TT Leveling Kit:

Lion Energy Lithium Batteries: DISCOUNT CODE: FOS for 15% OFF

‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣ THIS EPISODE ‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣‣

After visiting the easternmost point of the US, West Quoddy Head Light (you can see that video here if you missed it: ), we decided to check out some of the history of the easternmost town in the US – Lubec, Maine!

Not only is the downtown adorable, but they have one of the cutest Little Libraries we have ever seen on the road! We went into town to check out the Smokehouse Museum, and it was so much more than we could have imagined. The gentleman who showed us around worked at the smokehouse many years ago before it shut down and gave us a wonderful tour.

The artifacts left over were fascinating as were the stories of those who worked there and how this industry built up this tiny little town at the Eastern tip of Maine. Not only is Lubec known for its herring fishing and smokehouses, but it also boasts some pretty amazing history including the location that George Washington sent a naval officer to in order to stop trading across the border which was essentially the beginning of the US Coast Guard.

All of the rain and mist had us in the mood for some yummy comfort food. Corey shares how he makes his delicious beef stew, and we enjoyed it outside on our last night in Lubec.

The next morning we headed to Seaview Campground and Cabins in Eastport which is the easternmost city in Maine! The sun finally came out, and we shared about one of our Big Dots coming up this fall, The Lippert Getaway in West Yellowstone from Sept 19-23. All the information to register for the weekend is above!

Stay tuned for next week as we head into Eastport for one of the coolest Independence Day experiences we have ever had! Be sure to like and subscribe and click on the bell icon for notifications when we release new videos!

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thesandsie13the2nd August 1, 2023 at 1:45 am

being half Ukrainian my comfort food is perogies

Timaz August 1, 2023 at 2:09 am

I guess I’m going to make stew tomorrow night in the instant pot. That sounds good. By the way, I am in Island Park, Idaho now which is only 20 miles outside of West Yellowstone. So just maybe I will see you guys on the road. Safe travels.

Paula B August 1, 2023 at 4:20 am

Oh my gosh! We loved Lubec and Campobello Island across the bridge. I was just wearing my Sunset Point RV tshirt this weekend! We went across the street to the lobster pound and got lobster and the campground had a cooker, gas bottle, trays and crackers they let us sign up for and use free. The trail at West Quoddy was the best hike ever on the coast. No one ever knows where Lubec is and now they will, thanks to you. Great video!

Tom Coker August 1, 2023 at 5:08 am

Wish y’all would come to Texas, we need all the rain that you can bring! 15:33

kathleen rutherford August 1, 2023 at 7:07 am

Beautiful!! As Always your family and Video is perfection!! Thank you for sharing your Journey

Bobby Shoutz August 1, 2023 at 2:48 pm

my mouth is watering with the stew recipe

Ramona Puckett August 1, 2023 at 3:22 pm

Great video! I went to Boothbay Maine a couple of weeks ago, camped at a campground near Freeport. It rained the entire weekend! I had a great time anyway and I do plan to go back and explore some more. Thank you for sharing your adventures ❤

Our Rv Life Adventures August 1, 2023 at 6:20 pm

Just want to say that your channel and videos are truly amazing. I love watching your adventures, and it’s hard to express what a joy and inspiration you all really are. Thank you for sharing your someday with us.

Angry Pete August 1, 2023 at 8:49 pm

That bread looks amazing. Was that made in the rig? Any particular recipe?

Paulyg August 1, 2023 at 9:54 pm

Hi Cory, I have a couple of questions. What gps system are you using? How do you haul your e-bikes? Thanks in advance, love your channel!!!

Harold McCarty August 2, 2023 at 12:30 am

After spending 10 yrs, in FLA (63-73), I did drive up to Ft. Kent, ME to the other end of US1 (2017) on vacation.

Roger Burns August 2, 2023 at 1:08 am

Meatloaf is mine

Aaron Weigand August 2, 2023 at 1:22 am

Such an awesome channel. You have quickly become one of my favorites!

GP Whisperer August 2, 2023 at 1:24 am

Looks like someone has been eating a little too much comfort food.😝

Dave R August 2, 2023 at 1:47 am

If you are doing things the same way you aren’t learning. Probably just a few powerful people that wanted to not change and the town suffered

Johnny Faught August 2, 2023 at 3:30 am

Great episode. Loved the history lesson. That was very interesting and enjoyable to see. Thank you for sharing

Adventures of Mom, Dad, Girl & a Little, White Dog August 2, 2023 at 9:56 am

Some of the best adventures are meeting people and learning the history of an area. ❤ What a cool town! It’s sad to know that there are no more smoke houses in America. Almost hard to believe…… 😔

Tree Carver August 2, 2023 at 10:13 pm

On our beef stew, we use new potatoes and teriyaki sauce for a different flavor. A fresher taste than the traditional gravy flavor.

Elaine Charles August 3, 2023 at 12:28 am

We will be in Lubec in October. Not camping though.

davero074 August 3, 2023 at 1:40 am

Your channel is just mind blowing, just discovered you, we are based in the UK. Inspirational, amazing photography and content. Thank you

A Work In Progress August 3, 2023 at 3:04 pm

We will be there at Getaway too! Looking forward to it. I got an empty seat for the family in my Can Am Sxs to see how you guys do offroading if you want! It will be nice to meet you all!

Kevin Parker August 3, 2023 at 10:08 pm

Wish we could make it to the Lippert Getaway but we just returned to the east coast after spending over 60 days out west, 30 of those days were in Yellowstone. If you have time check out Big Spring and Mesa Falls in Island Park. Hope to see you in January at the Tampa RV show. Safe travels.

Todd Ramsay August 4, 2023 at 12:39 am

There’s a Gloucester Fisherman’s Memorial in MA, also there is a Fisherman’s Memorial in Boothbay, ME. Great video! Going to but Lubec on my must see in ME list.

The Grand Shamrock Tour August 4, 2023 at 1:28 am

Such a beautiful video. Maine is certainly a wonderful place… your photography makes it even better. 😃

We Sometimes RV with Scott & Joy August 4, 2023 at 1:58 pm

Amazing video. Great information on the smokehouse. Our comfort food (in the cooler weather) would be a chicken and sausage Gumbo. During the summer we will do a beef stew (also in the instant pot) or BBQ. Wish we could make it camping with y'all but won't this time around. We hope you do this again..

Floyd Lacy August 4, 2023 at 7:38 pm

Hi Corey. With your rv improvements did you upgrade your trailer suspension? If so what did you go to and why?

bbuchanan81 August 5, 2023 at 5:57 am

My wife and I will be in the area (Island Park) on our 20th anniversary Yellowstone trip at the same time your all will be there for the Lippert event. Unfortunately we wont be in our 5th wheel, didnt feel like dragging it up from Houston, TX. Will you guys be out in the community at all where you can meet some of your subscribers?

lindalou August 5, 2023 at 5:32 pm

new subscriber, what kind of camera do you use? very nice video 🙂

Larry Mulherin August 5, 2023 at 7:08 pm

I love your aventurines that you show on your travels. Keep up the good work. Also I like the food you prepared.

Kathy Smith August 6, 2023 at 3:55 am

Talk about local museums, if you are ever going through Kansas Concordia KS (North Central KS) there is a great museum called the Cloud County Museum. It is a living history museum, and there are many items in it that are part of my family. 😊

Kathy Smith August 6, 2023 at 3:57 am

Hope you went to the chocolate shop in town I heard it’s really good.

Serenity On The Move August 6, 2023 at 3:55 pm

Lubec is one of our most favorite places we have ever been. We have to get back to Maine soon.

Wade Tharp August 6, 2023 at 8:43 pm

Really been enjoying your episodes describing the trip up the east coast. Was seriously wowed when you went to the outer banks. Then the episodes leading up to this one were epic as well. We are planning to retire in a couple years and RV'ing for at least a few years is definitely on our bucket list in order to give us the opportunity to travel across the U.S. and experience all it has to offer. We are just getting started investigating RVs and one thing that seriously concerns us is wanting to make sure we don't get an RV so large that it limits our ability to get certain places. Can you share what the actual length of your RV is? The reason I ask is Ocracoke is definitely on my bucket list for some awesome boondocking but I don't want to start out purchasing an RV that is too long. Any assistance is appreciated.

Robert Colpitts August 7, 2023 at 4:41 pm

Another beautiful video. I'm going to use the Beef Stew recipe with our Instapot and surprise my wife. She will love it, I'm sure! Thank you for sharing it!
Our comfort foods are:
New Mexico Green Chile Stew,
New Mexico Red Chile con Carne over Frito Corn Chips topped with grated cheddar cheese, finely chopped tomatoes & onions, and shedded lettuce (aka Frito Pie),
Jambalaya with shrimp and Andouille Sausage,
Seafood and Sausage Filé Gumbo, and
Shrimp and Cheese Grits with Andouille Sausage Gravy.
We're definitely going to add Mr. Corey's Beef Stew to the list!😊🤤
Safe travels, y'all!

1024gerrydeb August 19, 2023 at 1:11 am

Mack and cheese with stewed tomatoes. Yummy

Kathy N. August 22, 2023 at 12:59 pm

Watching this video in Texas with temps at 100-106, but longing to be there in cooler weather & learning all the cool history of that area…& enjoying some beef stew…can’t wait for fall here! Thanks for your videos since we sold our GD Momentum 399TH 😢

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