Learn Bright – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Fri, 17 Feb 2023 23:05:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Natural Disasters for Kids | Learn about tornados, hurricanes, and more! https://paranormalactivity.org/natural-disasters-for-kids-learn-about-tornados-hurricanes-and-more/ Fri, 17 Feb 2023 23:05:56 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/natural-disasters-for-kids-learn-about-tornados-hurricanes-and-more/

Can you name five natural disasters? How about ten? Twenty? Natural Disasters for Kids discusses quite a few of these crazy storms. It specifically discusses ten of the most common and what causes them to occur. In addition, you’ll learn a few things you can do to get ready for a natural disaster in your area.

The most common type of natural disaster in the U.S. is flooding. Nearly 90% of all disasters actually involve flooding in some way. Floods can result from tropical storms, hurricanes, extreme rains, or even thawing snow. On the opposite end of the spectrum is a drought. When an area experiences a drought, it means that there is intense heat and an extreme lack of precipitation. Droughts can kill plants and reduce freshwater supply.

Another common natural disaster is the tsunami. Tsunamis are rare in the United States. These large ocean waves that form after an earthquake happens end up flooding coastal land. Hurricanes similarly produce excessive rainfall and often a lot of flooding. Wind speeds during a hurricane can reach up to 150 miles an hour! Still, the worst wind storm would be a tornado, with speeds up to 300 miles per hour.

Luckily, there are things we can do to help get ready for these storms. These are the three Ps: plan, prepare, and practice. It always helps to have a plan that outlines what you should do in case a natural disaster occurs. Then it’s important to prepare by gathering necessary supplies. And like practicing for a fire drill at school, it’s a good idea to practice the plan you made and ensure it works.

We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning about these common storms! If you want to learn even more, head over to our website and download one of our many lesson plans about natural disasters, full of activities, worksheets, and more!


What you will learn in Natural Disasters for Kids:
0:00 Introduction
0:37 What a natural disaster is
1:26 Preparation and prediction of disasters
2:24 Blizzards, droughts, and earthquakes
3:17 Floods and heat waves
4:19 Hurricanes and thunderstorms
5:10 Tornados, tsunamis, and wildfires
6:23 Other natural disasters
6:48 What to do to get ready for a natural disaster
8:25 Review of the facts

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*Teachers and Parents! Did you know? In addition to these great videos, we have also created a library of high-quality and engaging lessons for your elementary aged student(s). Visit us, sign up for a free account, and instantly you’ll have access to thousands of lesson plans, learning materials, teaching instructions, activities, and assignments that your kids will really enjoy! We hope to see you soon!

Browse our entire collection of Science lesson plans: https://learnbright.org/lessons/?filter_subject=science



Weather for Kids | What is weather, and how does it work? https://paranormalactivity.org/weather-for-kids-what-is-weather-and-how-does-it-work/ Thu, 21 Jul 2022 17:00:11 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/weather-for-kids-what-is-weather-and-how-does-it-work/

You probably know about weather, but do you know what it actually is, how it works, and why it changes depending on where you are in the world? In Weather for Kids, you will learn that there are a number of factors that affect the weather outside. It’s not just about how hot or cold it is. Think about what it feels and looks apart from hot or cold, such as wet or dry, clear or cloudy, and calm or stormy. This video discusses what causes all of these effects.

You can use a thermometer to figure out how hot or cold it is outside quite easily. Should you weather a coat? Or is it time for a swim and a swimming suit would be more appropriate? Temperature is only one factor that affects the weather. Have you ever heard of humidity? The amount of water vapor in the air determines the humidity levels. Humidity refers to how wet or dry it is outside. The weather in hot desert likely has a very low humidity level, if any at all. However, in a tropical rainforest, even if it’s warm as well, it may be very wet instead of dry.

Another factor is air pressure. What air pressure affects is the presence of clouds. Basically, places that experience high pressure will show clear skies. Areas with low pressure have lots of clouds. To measure air pressure, you would need a barometer. Finally, there is the factor of wind. Wind and wind speed relate to storms. If it’s calm outside, it is likely that there isn’t much wind. Or if there is, it’s not very quick; it’s a light breeze. On the other hand, storms imply a lot of fast wind. Have you ever noticed that when it’s stormy, you also tend to feel the wind?

We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning about these four different landforms! If you want to learn even more, head over to our website and download one of our many free lesson plans about landforms, full of activities, worksheets, and more!


What you will learn in Weather for Kids:
0:00 Introduction to weather and what it is
1:06 Factors that affect the weather
1:54 How meteorologists study and predict the weather
2:30 Temperature: hot or cold
3:19 Humidity: wet or dry
4:08 Air (atmospheric) pressure: clear or cloudy
5:15 Wind presence and speed: calm or stormy
6:13 Review of the facts

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*Teachers and Parents! Did you know? In addition to these great videos, we have also created a library of high-quality and engaging lessons for your elementary aged student(s). Visit us, sign up for a free account, and instantly you’ll have access to thousands of lesson plans, learning materials, teaching instructions, activities, and assignments that your kids will really enjoy! We hope to see you soon!

Browse our entire collection of Science lesson plans: https://learnbright.org/lessons/?filter_subject=science



Climates for Kids | Learn about Different Weather and Climate Zones https://paranormalactivity.org/climates-for-kids-learn-about-different-weather-and-climate-zones/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 21:26:43 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/climates-for-kids-learn-about-different-weather-and-climate-zones/

In this video your kids will learn all about Climates, different kinds of weather, and the climate zones all over the world. The world is a vast place and every where has a little different climate and weather. In this video we learn how climate is a country’s normal weather over a LONG period of time whereas weather can change from week to week or day to day.

There are three main kinds of climates for kids to learn about, which are: Arctic Climate, Temperate Climate, and Tropical Climate. In this video we will learn about important aspects of these climates, where they are located, which kind of live exists in each, and what are the specific weather patterns.

We hope you enjoy! Don’t just stop here! Download our free Climates lesson plan that is full of worksheets, content, and activities that will help your kids learn even more about climates. You can download the resource here: https://learnbright.org/lessons/science/climates/

Also, be sure to check out our video all about climate change for kids here: https://youtu.be/WkvPdUtYhX8

Thank you for watching and learning with us! We’re constantly releasing new content and videos so click that “Subscribe” button and you’ll notified.

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*Teachers and Parents! Did you know? In addition to these great videos, we have also created a library of high quality and engaging lessons for your elementary aged student(s). Visit us, sign up for a free account, and instantly you’ll have access to thousands of lesson plans, learning materials, teaching instructions, activities, and assignments that your kids will really enjoy! We hope to see you soon!

Browse our entire collection of Science lesson plans: https://learnbright.org/lessons/?filter_subject=science


