Destiny – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Sat, 24 Dec 2022 18:00:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Something Strange Is Happening To The Solar System – Best Videos 2022 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 18:00:24 +0000

Something Strange Is Happening To The Solar System – Best Videos 2022
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It would seem that the Solar System has been studied by mankind, if not completely, then in full detail. The planets have all been identified for a long time, rovers have been traveling on Mars for a while, comets and asteroids have been almost counted by name, and even the soil from one of them was taken and delivered to Earth for research. But this is where the scientists were dumbfounded. It turns out that our entire solar system, including the far, far away Oort cloud located at a distance of a light year from the Sun, is immersed in a giant bubble! Its diameter is 1000 light years. And what is remarkable, our Sun is practically in the center of this bubble! Are we really living in a huge bubble?! And how does our solar system actually work?

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Strange Anomaly Happening In Antarctica! Sun, 29 Nov 2020 18:02:33 +0000

Strange Anomaly Happening In Antarctica!
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Since humanity first carried out explorations of Antarctica in the late 18th century by James Cook and his crew, the icy continent has given up much of its mysteries over the centuries. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent in the world, almost twice the size of Australia. 99 percent of its landmass is covered in ice and it is home to about 70 percent of our planet’s freshwater, and 90 percent of our planet’s freshwater ice.

Antarctica is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on Earth. It’s a perfect place for ground exploration and that’s why 4000 scientists are living there. And recently, they found strange anomalies within massive ice sheets of Antarctica. So what is it? And why are scientists worried?

#antarctica #anomaly #strange #mystery


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