Asteroid Eros Hides Alien Base, NASA Source Photo, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: January 11, 2022
Location of discovery: Eros, asteroid 
Source photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA02467.jpg

This is a structure on an astroid called Eros. Eros is famous for having been the first asteroid to have been orbited by a spacecraft. And looking at these photos, you can see why. You see, NASA always makes moves for a reason. They don’t guess…they have data that they rely on and now we know why they went to visit Eros. They wanted to get some intel on the the structures there. I am wondering if they had found a signal coming from this asteroid, something unnatural that pushed them to do this mission. How did they know these structures were on it? I guess they will never say. 
Scott C. Waring


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