Comments on: Arctic Sinkholes I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS Exploring The Unknown Tue, 19 Dec 2023 20:50:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: @blankstares4355 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 20:50:10 +0000 The earth is a dynamic living organism under constant change, with cycles within cycles upon cycles beyond cycles, and connected with the moon, the sun and other planetary bodies. no need for sensationalist hysteria.
its complex and much of it probably beyond our current understanding. even your best theoretical models are incomplete and probably contain errors and fudge factors.

By: @minhdnguyen84 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 19:28:57 +0000 I miss the ancient aliens series. It pretty much explains everything that happens on earth.

By: @lutomson3496 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:26:42 +0000 Humans are not in charge of weather unlike the media propaganda and musk bezos buffett gates etc making billions on the business of climate change while we pay and pay just like the ozone conspiracy created by do Pont wake up people don't be sheeple

By: @luffytaro-tg1gm Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:02:57 +0000 the sad part about this is that a man has put all his life into researching this and solving this single handedly without getting any help from the government despite multiple efforts ( look up about Pleistocene Park project)

By: @oldmanfromscenetwentyfour8164 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 07:06:45 +0000 " enormous releases of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, threaten the climate." BULLSHIT! Stop with the Propaganda!

By: @Mike-xt2ot Tue, 19 Dec 2023 05:57:56 +0000 I have a theory. The massive earthquake in Japan March 2011 was so massive it altered the earths axis a few degrees more than it was.
The storm patterns shifted , climate rose and fell depending on the location on earth in many many areas.
It's worth looking into. My prayers for the wonderful people ,our friends of the north. May God bless you and keep you safe.

By: @jaugustine5004 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 04:25:52 +0000 You don't have to know everything that goes on the planet. Just go back to your home and enjoy life, and the earth will take care of itself, probably you need to take care of yourself also. So don't worry about Planet Earth.

By: @evrrrs Tue, 19 Dec 2023 02:34:12 +0000 pack it up guys, earth's blowing up, we're done.

By: @godandgoodlife6775 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 01:45:53 +0000 ❤]]> Im not living in Alaska or in any place near that area but understanding this whole thing made me worry and sad about the future and the people living near that area.. I hope more people will/can watch this video to raise awareness. This is very informative and important, my kids are watching with me right now.. 🥺❤

By: @rebeccaallen9917 Mon, 18 Dec 2023 21:01:36 +0000 Thank goodness we can most all of us go vegan and let more than 40% of ice free land be rewilded and most importantly stop the deforestation. The trillions of trees are sequestering carbon.
