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Ancient Unsolved Mysteries Of The World | Weird or What | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary central

First, it looks at the unusually shaped skull of the Star Child which seems to suggest that aliens once walked the planet. It then looks at the mysterious Peruvian Ica stones that seems to indicate that dinosaurs lived alongside human beings. Finally, it examines the Saqqara Bird which some claim proves that ancient Egyptians invented modern flight.

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#AncientMystery #WeirdOrWhat #WilliamShatner


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@thebuttonfactory2306 March 4, 2021 at 3:05 pm

William Effing Shatner.
Man, myth and legend.

@partypao October 21, 2023 at 1:07 pm

Shatner is a fake. He is the most skeptic and unbeliever of these mysteries he's talking about

@joeguzman3558 October 25, 2023 at 11:53 am

It's unbelievable how there's people that no matter what they just won't believe _ we have heard the expression I see it and I don't believe it lol

@christinewells-leddon9287 October 30, 2023 at 8:56 pm

I find it interesting that both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy hosted shows about Sci-Fi related items (I believe Nimoy's was called "In Search Of…).

@tracydee1857 November 5, 2023 at 2:56 am

Shatner is worth his weight in Gold.

@michaelt1775 November 6, 2023 at 7:58 am

Why did they make the greys African. πŸ˜‚

@Nophreetime November 7, 2023 at 5:32 pm

Hahaha the funeral reconstruction killed me

@clementla869 November 8, 2023 at 1:26 am

Great job on this team πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

@Wisdm714 November 8, 2023 at 11:06 pm



@deonturner4714 November 9, 2023 at 3:41 am

William wake up, evolution is a hoax!

@r34chickie November 11, 2023 at 3:19 am

πŸ˜‚the blow up doll πŸ˜‚

@b0ttini November 16, 2023 at 12:13 am

Dah!! Every bird is a dinosaur. . . . They tasted like chicken.

@LuciferMornStar November 16, 2023 at 2:01 pm

Lol the stones were proven to be forged just for tourists. I'm sure they're were pockets of dinosaurs living around the world after the ELE event the destroyed most of them. It has been postulated that the mammoths were still in the Alution Islands in the bering straits as little as a few hundred yrs ago. It's a great story but unless you find some bones that aren't fossilized or something still living it's only a story.

@believer7280 November 20, 2023 at 3:59 am

To whom it may concern: Its pronounced "Alien"..not "ELLien". Thanks and enjoy the show.

@AeronRogers November 20, 2023 at 8:54 am

FINALLY: DNA Results Of The Paracas Elongated Skulls Of Peru: Part

@Ghatotkacha971 November 21, 2023 at 2:14 pm

How come there's dinosaur in indian ancient templeπŸ€”

@user-er8jl8sv3h November 22, 2023 at 7:40 pm

ITS A gray alien πŸ‘½

@user-ip9lc9ic8o November 27, 2023 at 4:41 pm

Wouldn't that be easier to say that certain dinos did survived into the modern time? And then went extinct. We are responsible for be many species extinction why not just add some dinos to it?

@lawrencewilliams1477 November 28, 2023 at 12:57 pm


@malcolmmacdougall November 29, 2023 at 7:55 pm

definitely not the aircraft because if the Egyptians' neighbours saw it they'd copy it……….. straight away.

@mjrchapin November 29, 2023 at 10:21 pm

The expert rebuttals are always so lame.

@wireashly December 1, 2023 at 8:08 pm

starchild no doubt. but these clowns will tell you it is cradleboarding lol

@HighwayHanna December 3, 2023 at 6:42 pm

Science has proven again and again that there's always a counterpoint. Why is it so hard to believe that the dinosaurs were wiped out but there were survivors? Isn't it possible that dinosaurs experienced only a near mass extinction? There would be very few left and the ones that remained would die out slowly because there weren't enough of them to thrive. Weird, or what?πŸ˜‚

@user-yt2hv8lv2s December 5, 2023 at 8:11 pm

Once again the smugness and arrogance of skeptics never fails to make me laugh even though reasonable skepticism is good the staunch skeptics have hostility with their options and with out hard evidence to back up there theory yet they aggressively state that their opinion is fact and that's it and no one else's opinion is valid they talk down to us as though we are all mentally underdeveloped children that are not capable to think for our selves or have the ability to observe the data and conclude our own hypothesis

@toniivanova9360 December 5, 2023 at 9:13 pm

Oh my goodness, this is absolutely ridiculous. The shull looks completely human even for me. It's definitely missing parts but it's more than obvious that it's human.

The actual scientists that did analysis of the skull discovered that this is small child, who had something called congenital hydrocephalus. The dna of the child inducates that he/she was native american. No mystery here.

@indianastan December 5, 2023 at 10:23 pm

Captain Kurk πŸ‘½

@kathydixon3716 December 7, 2023 at 2:12 am

Here's the deal, if this was a plane, why aren't there planes in the tombs? Thay loved to bury their possessions with them.

@kathydixon3716 December 7, 2023 at 2:13 am

Here's the deal, if this was a plane, why aren't there planes in the tombs? Thay loved to bury their possessions with them.

@user-ok8kg4yd6l December 9, 2023 at 7:08 pm

New zealand skeleton in the cupboard the true story

@joseHernandez-xc4ix December 10, 2023 at 6:06 pm

Lol πŸ€£πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜† my stepdad is from Peru he was telling us that it was all fake.
The inca stones

@ericvondell5157 December 16, 2023 at 8:40 pm

Extraterrestrial or Just a Mutation or Some variation of Hydrocephalic syndrome. Does it really matter?
THAT was somebody's Baby! Some Person's Baby!
So were You and, so was I!
Does it matter if came from the Earth, Or from the Sky!
Phantom's fairly certain that; When that Baby Died, Somebody Cried!😿😭

But, that's Science; I'm looking forward to seeing Your Skulls on display in some museum. Maybe when "Men are but, Myths, in books written by Rabbits!" (Paraphrasing Peter S. Beagle!)

Maybe, you all should, maybe, Put It Back in it's Proper Grave? Whatcha think?!

And, as for the Ica Stones?
Are you actually serious?!
The Dinosaurs are beautifully rendered! For the 1960's knowledge of what people thought Dinosaurs looked like!
The ancient Peruvian folks had absolutely Zero idea of what Dinosaurs looked like! If They had actually seen Real Dinosaurs… Well, My High School Days Self wouldn't have been teased about his "Unscientific" Feathered Dinosaurs! I had active, fluffy, tails up, intelligent Dinosaurs in my bestiary of favorite animals. Of course, I also Drew four-winged alien birds bat-winged hybrid Dinosaur-bird Cockatrices and Dragons! Those Are Still Unscientific!

πŸ€”NO! Wait! Some of those have shown up in the new fossils!πŸ₯΄

I wonder if there's any "Undiscovered" Ica Stones with Paleontologically Correct Dinosaurs out there….

The Ica Stones Are Obvious Fakes, Folks! Any First Grader Who Knows anything about Dinosaurs can tell you THAT!

I'm not commenting on the other Weird Stuff in this Episode πŸ€ͺπŸ₯΄

@ericvondell5157 December 17, 2023 at 11:03 am

OMG 😳 at 37:30 during the Saqara Bird segment there's a flash of an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph depicting a snake with legs in front of a winged deity (Presumably Horus or Osiris). What's important to me is that I just concluded a grueling research into what a Real Dragon Might actually look like and Why; I completely missed This One! Guess what My real science speculative evolutionary design looks like:
YEP 😁 as do so many Medieval Europe and middle eastern dragon depictions! A long, Snake-like reptile either with wings (unusual looking wings!) Or in association with the notion of flight! Everywhere on Earth. In every culture. You've Got the same basic design formula. It's like with all those "Ancient Astronaut" statues. They're different, Yet, only in artistry. In design formula They are virtually The same depictions! Obviously, snakey flying lizards didn't inspire "Spacemen", but, if snakey flying lizards actually DID Exist (and they're, Entirely Possible), Then, Firebreath or Not, Dragons could have actually been REAL!
Adorable little Draco volans and similar gliding lizards just don't inspire Awe or anything resembling Terror and Divinity. But, the basic Creature Design Formula for Dragons is found Everywhere! Chinese Dragons Do Too have Wings! Just, look closely at some of the really old depictions! They have Four Wings! And, almost without exception, old renderings of Winged Dragons have ribbed, sail-like Wings that look like the artist didn't know much about anatomy! (Despite how anatomically correct everything Else Is depicted!)
Ribcage based Non-limbic Wings can look like strangely designed limbic Wings! Especially, in Old illustrations.

My point here?
A wooden toy bird that looks like a modern aircraft design could be Just That; a toy of a very Real ancient flying vehicle! (Most likely, a catapult launched glider!) The toy was owned by a physician who Left an inscription with the toy, reading: "I want to Fly!".

I can't say that Dragons were Ever actually Real creatures. However, I don't have any trouble accepting the reality of ancient flying machines!
ALL those wars and plagues, and disasters and conquerers left The modern world bereft of much of mankind's history. It's actually amazing that We know anything at all about the ancient world!

β€’ Dragons? Iffy! But, 100%Possible!
β€’ Ancient Space Aliens? I'll get back to you on that one later πŸ™ πŸ€ͺ😸(Like, After They Land on the Whitehouse Lawn;πŸ€ͺπŸ˜ΈπŸ›Έ)
β€’ Non-Avian Dinosaurs cohabiting Earth with ancient Humans? NOPE!
β€’ Ancient Aircraft? Plausible! I'm a scientist: I don't wanna say YES! w/o absolute proof 😁 and Toy Birds don't do enough to prove Full sized airplanes actually existed in those Days. It could merely have been a model of a working Toy Symbolic Bird glider. In simpler terms; They, most certainly, had Gliding Toys used to delight kings and for ceremonial functions! Not, necessarily, full sized flying Vehicles! Our world has oodles of airplane iconography! Given the ancient Egyptian predilection for pictographic writing, if they Did have aircraft, Then; it's terribly odd that they Did Not! They had glorious iconography for everything else that they had, if they'd had airplanes or Flying Saucers or Hot Air Balloons for that matter; they would have depicted, prominently, these things Too! Just as we do!
β€’ IF I Had to be the one to make the Deduction; I'd say: "The Ancient Egyptians had Gliding Toy Birds for the amusement of Kings and for Ceremonial Purposes! They Did NOT, however, develop this into actual Flying vehicles!" And, you can Quote Me 😸

Other cultures – especially Any that Had contact with Egypt and The Americas, might, also have possessed such Toys!

OH πŸ™€ I forgot. This is in editing here:
About The Cool Experiment with a reproduction of the Saqara Bird that "Proves, definitively, that: the Saqara Bird can't Fly and, thusly, the ancient Egyptians Didn't have Real Gliders because: the replica of their replica toy doesn't Fly!" WOWSERS! Mystery Solved! Are You Smart! I wanna be like You πŸ’•) let's do some REAL Science Now, Shall We?!
Try to prove The Air Worthiness of Any modern aircraft By launching from that crazy catapult "Clay pigeon" contraption By using Any modern two dollar matchbox cars toy airplane! Or Any plastic modeling kit replica of any modern aircraft! I did these things for fun as a kid with rubber bands and just hand launching the toys. My results; if I'd been doing THAT for Science; "Airplanes Shouldn't Fly!" But, Real airplanes have powerful engines and propellers or Jet engines. A sculpture is, just, NEVER gonna Fly, or even glide!
Your Experiment was excellent entertainment and Good Science in itself! But, You conclusions that the ancient Egyptians didn't have actual working gliders because the toy doesn't work is Poor Science! 'A' for Going out of your way to prove a solid wooden toy bird can't Fly! But, the ancient Egyptian physician who owned it knew that Too!
A toy/sculpture of even a very Real Thing is NOT a Scientific proof of how well the real thing functioned. I would Never make a Scientific deduction on how the Real Thing worked based solely on how effectively a model of it performs! That's just Not good Science! The little wooden model Was NOT The actual Working item, but, most likely, a commoner's party replica of hand launched papyrus Gliding Ritualist Toys used during ceramonial celebrations (maybe, even pharaoh's funeral and the Like). If My notion is correct, It explains why there's NO iconography for These Paper Airplane Ceremonial Birds! (Think : Doves Or Balloons Released at an outdoor Wedding! Maybe, they actually have some depictions of This practice, but, we're not seeing it for what It Is?!) Very few Of Our modern toys have their own iconography! However, The Saqara Bird, Is, ITSELF, functional as just such an iconographic artifact! Since they, Very Clearly, knew what a real bird in flight looked like, why does the toy have an aircraft's vertical Tail, IF, It's just a sculpture of a Bird?!
Scientifically: there's More to This little trinket Than "It's a Toy Bird!" (Putting Motors and electronics into a styrofoam model of the saqara bird doesn't prove anything either! But, It makes for a fun Radio controlled toy airplane! )
Unscientifically: I think it's a nonfunctional commoner's replica of ceremonial Papyrus Bird Gliders symbolizing The ascension of the pharoh to Horus or Osiris! Celebrating either when He took The throne or when He Died, becoming a god! Likely, Both!
(I like your closing remarks suggesting a Weather Vane use. And, it'd look pretty good and work perfectly for that function! My problem; maybe I'm reading too much into this; It's Too Small and the original owner held Waaaaaaay too much import for It if it'd been merely a Weather Vane! In My Opinion, of course. Like, Dudes! I don't have a Fancy PHD in anything; what could I possibly know?!πŸ₯΄)

I gotta get my own blog for these subjects; they're so much incredible Fun!πŸ˜ΈπŸ’•

* SCIENTIFICALLY: I, simply, cannot, factor in, Space Aliens! ( Although, I'd Like To!😸)πŸ›Έ

Some Of Our Everyday Iconography:πŸš—πŸ›»πŸš™πŸοΈπŸ›΅πŸŽοΈπŸš’πŸš‘πŸš“πŸš•πŸ›ΊπŸšŒπŸš€πŸ›₯οΈπŸ›³οΈβ›΅πŸ›ΆπŸ›ΈπŸš€πŸ›©οΈπŸ›¬πŸ›«βœˆοΈπŸš²πŸš I wonder what the future archaeologists will make of These!πŸ€ͺ🀣😱 "When Men Are but Myths In books written by Rabbits"!!! (Peter S. Beagle)
Hey! It could happen!
Dinosaurs learned how to Fly. Dragons were, Very likely, Real. And, stupid Monkeys walked on the Moon!
YUP! It's Possible!πŸ˜ΈπŸ’–

@kimburke3189 December 18, 2023 at 2:43 am

Except for a new breakthru at a university that has discovered a way to "make" fossils that are identical to "ancient fossils". So maybe the ancient fossils are NOT so ancient? It kind of leaves things open to discussion!

@ultranitro437 December 18, 2023 at 2:52 pm

No one wants to hear your sob story. We're here to forget and be entertained.

@user-us9lt8mm4l December 18, 2023 at 7:28 pm

Can you take a tooth and test dna?

@gankthathoo3569 December 19, 2023 at 8:14 am

How did ancient people portray dinosaurs? How did they even know what they looked like? I believe humans and dinosaurs exsisted together…even though modern science says it's impossible… but how do you explain that? Its not like they had google images back then…ya know? They documented what they SAW in their life… there are so many things in our history that people say are "myths or legends…" does one explain ancient people drawing dinosaurs? ❀ much love everyone. I LOVE YOU MR SHATNER!!!!!!!!!! ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀

@markdraycott3974 December 23, 2023 at 11:19 pm

William Shatner is only a few years younger than Queen Elizabeth! He looks incredible for his age.

@edithcultee7558 December 24, 2023 at 5:35 am

It’s just a modern toy for the people back in that Era.

@patrickbaker4967 December 24, 2023 at 8:38 am

So, are we to take Lloyd's word alone on these DNA results? His confidence, without showing any of the evidence from the latest DNA examination on his supposed "Star Child" skull that he claims vindicates his explanation, comes off as somewhat arrogant. If I had the DNA results level of compelling evidence he claims to have I would be without a doubt jumping at the opportunity to show it and explain the data and why that is the correct conclusion. As the only evidence he is willing to share is his claim to be a "Skull expert" and that he took it to "every type of expert" and the "Alien experts" (I can only imagine what they are like if they aren't included on camera), the Star Child theory still comes off as an extraordinary pile of BS.

@ARolls-dd2zd December 25, 2023 at 10:37 pm


@grazynazambeanie5963 December 26, 2023 at 2:02 am

We are only learning about our past , once we heave religion out the window we will learn about ourselves faster . There should not be gun powder , but it's there . There should be no Greek fire , but there was . Hell, they carved blocks of rock They moved up to one thousand ton block's .we still don't know how, but they did it .

@grazynazambeanie5963 December 26, 2023 at 2:07 am

Good ole Shatner , how you become famous actor without actually acting

@eileenphillips3358 December 26, 2023 at 8:49 pm

Native peoples in that area implemented a common practice of skull flattening

@user-ot2xh4yt2c December 28, 2023 at 7:13 pm

The Bible talks about dragons being around humans then. I believe they are still here.

@markpicente5096 December 29, 2023 at 7:42 pm

But we didn't land on the Moon..

@TlD-dg6ug December 30, 2023 at 3:28 am

Starchild skull is proven to be 100% human. 5 year old. Here is the excerpt from the people who dna tested it.

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the validity of the claim that the Starchild Skull, a 900-year-old anomalously shaped skull, belonged to an alien-hybrid being.Β  The first phase of the project was to procure an exact replica and secure legal rights to continue with physical testing of the original. Then, the skull was compared with other human and animal skulls and most closely resembled that of a 5 year down syndrome child. When exact measurements were taken to compare to that of a typical skull of around 5 years old, the most notable discrepancy was its increased cranial capacity. A study of the teeth confirmed the skull belonged to a child about 5 years of age. The final phase involved extracting DNA from the inside of the skull and a tooth. The mitochondrial DNA tests showed that the child was a male and his mother was a Native American from the haplogroup C1. The paternal DNA test revealed the father was Native American haplogroup Q. The Starchild Skull was confirmed to be 100% human.

@junehansen7788 December 30, 2023 at 9:35 am

its deffently a wind fane, the egyptiens was wery advaced in astrology and wether mesurment, so its deffently a form of tool to mesure the wind directions and wind strenght. if you know somthing about acient egyptiens from there excapetions, this is it. its pretty obevious if you think about it. flying was for the goods, not the humans, that was there belives. so why the heck wout they try to fly, the had a very exstream amout off respekt and fear for there goods, they wout NEVER get the thought to invade disrespekt the goodΒ΄s by invading there space.

@jeannettebiddulph6544 January 5, 2024 at 9:37 am

That about the elephant man the scull looks the same ? πŸ€”

@darrinneat2920 January 5, 2024 at 2:59 pm

I just can not imagine a world without this adventurer in it. And when he is in his element he is magnificent πŸ™‚

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