Ancient Tomb Entrance On Mars, Link To Egypt? Video, UFO Sighting News.



Date of discovery: May 10, 2022

Location of discovery: Mars

Hey, as you already know, I like checking the Mars rover photos on a daily basis and something strange caught my eye. A doorway!

Mars has so much proof of ancient alien life on it. Look at these recent photos taken by the rover this week. Two photos show a doorway into the hillside. The entrance looks very similar to the ancient Egyptian entrances in Vally of the Kings in Egypt. This doorway is about two X the size of the people I have reported finding on Mars over the last decade…which vary from 8 inches to 12 inches tall. With so much concrete evidence (no pun intended) I don’t know how archeologists could deny such things. I mean, archeologists became what they are for the passion they have at cracking the mystery of life at different stages. Mars…is proof of life so early it goes beyond anything the Earth has to offer. 100% proof that ancient intelligent species once lived and thrived on Mars. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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