Aliens Create Valentines Heart In Sky Over Florida For Us All, Feb 14, 2022, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: Feb 14, 2022

Location of sighting: Florida, USA

Source: Twitter account @SaechemClouds

Now this photo was posted to twitter by a young woman who works in a the Florida Cloud Appreciation Society. She calls herself a cloud spotter that that she surely is. She saw a heart shaped cloud in the sky and it just so happened to be on Valentines day of all days. I quickly tweeted back to her saying, “fantastic catch, but also…what is that round object leaving the heart with a trail behind it? You saw them…and they…saw you.” There is a UFO in the photo. The UFO is semi cloaked in a cloud sphere disguise and is moving away from the top of the heart. There is a cloud trail behind it. It looks like aliens have a heart too. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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