Comments on: A Biblical View of World Events – Understanding the Times – Part 1 Exploring The Unknown Wed, 27 Oct 2021 03:14:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Trill25 Mane Wed, 27 Oct 2021 03:14:42 +0000 I see why this video has this few views…this is the TRUTH, fasho a good word100.

By: Alisha Stubbs Sat, 30 Jan 2021 20:49:47 +0000 It is so refeshing to hear a sound, biblical message like this regarding these issues. And once again, in a very loving way Rav David is able to call out the idoltry in the "church" and the identity it's created for it'self outside the identity of being The Bride.

By: Blessed ByGod Fri, 22 Jan 2021 20:08:36 +0000 Rebellion- secularly
But truly "Conservative" Christians think Constitutionaly and want to return to first principles: A governmental framework that the people can form a "More Perfect Union."
Liberty over "security", Principle over party, Truth over Personality.
Sadly, a minority as churches have gotten caught up in the false "red V blue" dichotomy

By: Mark DLT Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:37:28 +0000 Is loving your country, your world, idolatry? Absolutely not, but yes putting nationalism or any ism before Messiah most definitely is idolatry. To want our nation to be a shinning city on a hill, to return to Yah’s instructions (Torah) is a good goal. So how, through Messiah Repent, Believe what Messiah did for us, and let love fuel our obedience to Torah, we win. Political parties are like religions to the lost, but politics are simply the issues of the day that we face. Yah is in the issues, but not from championing a cause, rather changing hearts so there is no cause. Its ok to love your nation in the right perspective, but our citizenship is not of this world and our mission is Yah first, people next. Shalom.
