700 Meter UFO Hidden In Cloud Seen Over Beach In UK, Nov 20, 2021 Photos, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: Nov 20, 2021

Location of sighting: Seaham beach, North East UK

This is an absolutely mind-blowing photo of a UFO that had made a cloud cloak around it. The eyewitness states, “I was just a cloud, but it looked like a UFO.” Well she might be in for a surprise because she recorded an alien disk hiding inside of cloud shield. You see, the metallic disk inside has an energy shield around it protecting it, but this shield can also hold smoke within it. Thus…alien ships that have to fly too low and are too big will put in the effort to hide from human eyes by hiding within a DIY cloud. Except humanity is getting wise to alien tactics and our cameras are snapping daily worldwide. This is an alien craft over the beach in UK. Its 100% proof that the UK is visited frequently by UFOs and that they often are headed to underwater bases on the ocean floor off the UK coast. Cant miss a 700 meter UFO passing overhead can you? Well, aliens think you will. 

Recent UFO videos released by the US government tracking on infrared video a UFO…showed a UFO that tried to make a smoke trail in order to distract the military plane tracking it. Also in Sept 1957 a US Army private was on guard duty and took photos of a ring UFO…clearly showing the craft before during and after it made the clouds around it to hide within. Proof…we already have the proof. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: It was at Seaham beach yesterday afternoon in northeast UK. It was just a cloud but I thought it looked like a UFO. 


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