5km Alien Monolith On Moon In NASA Photo! UFO Sighting News.



Date of discovery: Sept 25, 2021

Location of discovery: Earths moon

Today I went through the lunar orbiter mission photos and soon found an alien structure sticking out in the side of a crater. The structure is a monolith type shape. The object in question is an alien made structure laying on its side. The structure is about 5km long and 2.5km wide. The structure looks intact and should still be habitable if humans landed in that location and took it over. Its a self contained structure, a habitat that probably already can create an oxygen atmosphere within it, but if not, could easily be converted to do so. Its a lot easier than other suggestions scientists have given of making a dome over a crater…which could have leaks and you basically have to start from nothing. Here…its all ready and waiting for someone to take it over. But alien life is less of a mystery than humanity itself. Its hard to understand why most scientists would ignore such a great opportunity to instead start from nothing on the moon. Thats…how humans are…we chose to argue about subjects rather than take action. It holds humanity back. Its a waste of valuable time. The structure is there…and I predict humanity will ignore its discovery. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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