25KM Alien Base On Mars, Elevation Map, NASA Link, UFO Sighting News.



Date of discovery: January 14, 2022, but reporting it today

Location of discovery: Mars, Sulci Gordii region

Now this is one of the best detailed structures I have ever found on Mars. According to the photo ruler at the bottom of the photo, the structure measures 25km and could be up to 45km across! Now I thought that was amazing and it really blew my mind, but then I thought about it and decided to look around the photo more and found that there were dozens of blurred out areas…almost 10% of the entire photo! Some of those areas had blurred structures slightly visible (about 20-30% transparent) and then I realized…NASA had fooled me into thinking there were less structures on Mars. But this photo proves that theory wrong. There are hundreds of structures in this photo alone! I feel like a fool to not have known earlier. I guess the regular photos I looked through were too highly edited, but these elevation photos, were much less edited. Anyways, in the video I not only show people what I found, but teach others how to find such things. The video is in HD so the detail is great. 

100% proof aliens inhabited Mars on a global scale! 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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